18 May 2007

Encyclopedia Entry: The Ericalesaint.

ERICALESAINT. Slothlike, largely melancholy woodland creature which longs and attempts to belong to the city; roams at will, slowly assimilating; inevitably retreats to the safety and familiarity of its dark bucolic cocoon, only to long again for the lights and bustle. Neurasthenic and sensitive to light, it typically thrives and is more adventurous at night when it is less distraught by its own visibility.

Enjoys sporadic, notoriously fleeting cycles of equanimity and volubility when circumstances are precisely auspicious for it; inevitably lapses back into its primarily disconsolate disposition. Though skilled at appearing superficially stoic as a means of armor, the ericalesaint is highly sensitive, addled by an internal tide swell of passion, frustration, wanderlust, cursory bouts of self-loathing, and a thick slice of existential dread.

Classifying the ericalesaint necessarily lends itself to either generality or contradiction, due to its mercurial nature in mood, behaviour, speech, dress, eating, sleeping, dwelling and mating patterns, as well as its varying susceptibility and reaction to outside influences and stimuli. Very few observed behaviours can be classifed as anonymous.

Wintry and low-energy, it is often observed employing habits which are adverse to its own best interests, to wit: it tends to isolate itself despite its clear fondness for communication and the company of others. Typically nurturing, affectionate and sensual, always amiable in nature when softly approached, it despises conflict and withdraws into itself when hurt to avoid further injury to itself or others; rarely defends itself unless suffering an acute threat (wherein we find that it wields little-used claws). Though there exist few confirmed cases of physical aggression, it readily becomes verbally bellicose and snarky when offended.

Species are indigenous to the forested areas of Ireland and England; slightly variant species can be found in Japan, North and Middle America, the Carribean, the caves of the Antarctic and secluded areas of Greece. The ericalesaint has a particular taste for fermented hops and barley, a variety of cheeses and raw meats, and can be found snacking on saccharum, cacao and coca, kola and coffea plants. Omnivorous, bipedal, prone to referring to self in the third person.

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