30 May 2007


If I died tomorrow, there would be nothing extraordinary in my obituary. That's how I know I'm wasting my life. Here's to harnessing something that will drive me.

I have so many passions. Where is my direction?

1 comment:

  1. amen, though using dogmatic slangstuff makes me uncomfortable.but word up, is this a burgeoning new psycho-plague our generation is forced to deal with? combining ADD with the desperate, itchy-footed need to find some kind of legitimate, soul-acknowledging meaning (adjectives, adjectives) in a media saturated scum-on-top layer of empty, unattainable goals and glossy psuedo-promises? i mean, for eff's sake i can't even write a cohesive sentence without running all over the conceptual map and abusing adjectives, what hope is there for any kind of holisitic-life concision?

    or something. it feels like we live in the new nineteen seventies. corrupt, scandal ridden atrocious dishonest republican administration, gas prices skyrocketing, rampant disaffected youth and their crazy drugs, a quagmire of a war we should've had nothing to do with... plus all the prog rock, the beards, and the mainstream's tendency to vacuous pop music (though that's not time-specific). times are weird and new approaches have to be dealt with.

    good luck to us both. we're not so different, you and me.


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